Sunday, June 5, 2011

Palais des Papes and Ramparts of Avignon

The ramparts of Avignon is the first thing visitors would see when they approach the center of Avignon. They are massive and obviously ancient. My research indicated the ramparts were built in the 13th century and some more were added in the 14th century, with a total length of 4.3 kms.We drove around the city and we found the ramparts with a thickness of 6.5 to 8.5 feet and a height in my estimate of 20 to 24 feet to be totally encircling the city core. Without reading the history of Avignon, one would easily conclude that the reason for the construction of these massive ramparts or walling is for protection against the enemy or fear or paranoia or all of the above.

Knowing that Palais les Papes is located inside the ramparts and reading a little bit on the history of Avignon, we confirmed our theory. The Popes in the 13th century left Rome because of fear of the enemies of the Catholic Church and lived in Avignon. They built Palais des Papes.

We visited the city centerville of Avignon, France on June 2, 2011 on a rainy afternoon.

Palais des Papes is huge and beautiful, with a total floor area of 15,000 square meters according to Wikipedia and is the largest palace in all of Europe. We can't help but be overwhelmed and be disgusted with this display of wealth, power, arrogance and grandiosity by the Catholic Church with a heavy dose of eccentricity and paranoia. It is totally and completely incomprehensible.

The Popes needed to live in Avignon and therefore the Popes needed to build this monstrous palace because the Popes cannot live in simple, smaller Palace?

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