Monday, June 13, 2011

What's Life On the Road Like in a Camper

 What is this lifestyle like?  What does rving means?  What's life on the road like?  
 You must have a ton of money to be able to tour Europe? 

What is this lifestyle called?  Some call it motorhoming (British), RVing (Americans) and possibly campering (my word) since Italians call this vehicle camper.  So basically, the vehicle is called
a.  motorhonme
b. RV - Recreational Vehicle
c. camper
d. etc.

First, let me discuss money matters.  We bought our camper in Italy.  Actually, my niece, who is Italian bought the camper for us, registered under her name.  Based on research, we Canadians, can not buy a vehicle in Italy or anywhere in Europe.  In 2007, we bought a 1990 Fiat Ducato camper for Euros 7200 which we used for 5 months and which we later sold for Euros 4000.  This year we bought a 2002 Fiat Ducato camper worth Euros14700 which we hope to sell for Euros 15000 when were done touring Europe.  The point is, save enough money to buy yourself a camper which cost from Euros 7000 - really, really old model - to Euros 45,000 and up brand new one.

Once done with the matter of buying your home on wheels, everything else regarding expenses becomes as normal or predictable as you want it to be.  This means if at home (Canada or USA or anywhere else in the world)  you are spending $2000 (Euros1400) a month to live "your normal life", in this lifestyle here in Europe you can budget the same, control your expenses, live your life as it was before while touring Europe in your now very small home, your camper.

This lifestyle includes doing normal activities like cooking, doing the dishes, cleaning, food shopping and laundry.
Your budget dictates how often you eat in restaurants.  When you are not eating in restaurants, you are preparing and cooking your own meals.  You can do your laundry or you can use Laverie (French coin-operated laundry shops).  You can free-camp or you can go to a municipal or private campsite and pay an average of Euros20 a night. You can live as frugally as needed or you can spend as much as you want.  A couple can live on Euros800 per month frugally in our experience.

Water can be had from municipal or private campsites and is used sparingly.

Light and computer is powered by car battery while the battery is powered by solar panel.

C'est la vie.  Bonjour.

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